After spending their first night at the Swedish host students home, the Japanese students followed them to their school Klara Norra Gymnasium. Here teacher Carolin Lysell and Project Managers Caroline and Marcus had prepared a laboration for them about sustainable development. The students were divided in to groups with both guest, host and other students from the school to create a life cycle assessment of a product. They got the instructions to pick an object of their like and then on a poster present its ”life”. All transportations and steps around the production was taken into consideration and later the groups got to present to each other and discuss their findings, differences between objects and also potential differences between Sweden and Japan.
After the laboration the Japanese students got to follow a different class from Klara Norra Gymnasium whose special subjects are in information and society. These Swedish students took the Japanese guests on a tour in Stockholm City, talking about its history, significance and the cultural aspects of today.
The tour started at ”Kaknästornet”, the famous telecast tower in Stockholm, were everyone could enjoy lunch with a fantastic view over the town.
When the tour was over the Swedish host students took the Japanese students to some relaxing evening activities and the night was spent at the host families.