Minds of the Future
The presenters
Benjamin Clegg
Luleå University of Technology
The aim of this project is to ensure that joint replacements are biologically safe when they are implanted into patients, specifically the polymers that act as the natural cartilage in these implants.
Rebecca Bächler
Schweizer Jugend forscht
The focus of this project lies on communicating a scientific subject (the neurobiology behind physical reactions to emotions) to children with the help of a picture book.
Héctor Martínez-Luna
National Network of Youth Activities in Science and Technology in Mexico (laREDMex)
My research focuses on the use of the novel mobile app DeAlta to enhance patient-physician communication and thus prevent drug-resistant Tuberculosis in Mexico
Noelia Ares Boveda
Umeå University
My research is focused on adapting a novel method to study gene regulation in brain cancer.
Jordan Partington
University of Melbourne
My research aims to simplify blood tests for persistent organic pollutants via Microsampling.
Meda Surdokaitė
The European Union Contest for Young Scientists
With my work, I targeted optimization of the synthesis of the dye ”Nile Red” by having in mind: accessibility for others, safer environmental approach and offered regulations from experts.
Bertram Madsen
Ungdommens Naturvidenskablige Forening
My project, named OSINTer, is a digital platform which aims to help specialists within cybersecurity tackle the cyberattacks of tomorrow.
Asmi Kumar
Society for Science & the Public (ISEF)
I built FollowMe, a novel AI-powered web application providing free, at-home, individualized therapy and quantitative results tracking for cortical visual impairment, enabling more effective care.
Hassan Aftab Sheikh
University of Cambridge
The project focuses on characterising magnetic anthropogenic particulate matter (PM) for air pollution monitoring purposes.
Ishaan Lohia
University of Cambridge
My research uses molecules in specially-designed gold nanostructures to convert infrared light to visible light in a process known as frequency upconversion.
Xiaoqing Sun
World Scientific Publishing Company
My project focuses on investigating the motion of a bead on a rotating hoop, a classic problem used to demonstrate a mechanical phase transition.