Investigation of removal of seminal and lateral root systems and how it affects the Gibberellin synthesis in Scarlet runner bean

In this experiment the research question was how does removal of seminal or lateral parts of the root system of Scarlet Runner Bean (Phaseolus coccineus) affect the synthesis of Gibberellic acid and therefore the growth of the plant? Beans of Phaseolus coccinus were planted and grown until seedlings were about 10 cm tall. Then they were put into three different conditions; the control were nothing was modified, seminal group condition were their lateral root system was removed and lateral condition group were their seminal root (tap root) was removed. The plants were labeled, theirs stems measured in length and then they were replanted and grown outdoors for 6 weeks. Measurement of all samples stem length was done every week. The conditions were then compared by their mean overall growth and mean growth for every week and also test of significance and other measurements were done. The results from the measurements and processing of data was that the growth was retarded in both experimental conditions (seminal condition group and lateral condition group) compared to the control condition group, but at a more significant level in the lateral condition group. It was then concluded that this could indicate that the location for GA3 synthesis is in the root system of the plant, and that the main site of synthesis is believed to be in the seminal root (the tap root).

Caroline Schagerholm



Upplagt på

16 september, 2016