Every year Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar (SIYSS) invites 25 amazing young scientists in ages between 18 and 25, from all over the world to Sweden. The participants are selected in different ways; some are winners of big Science Fairs, others represent Organizations for young scientists or are selected by merit at their home Universities. Whatever their background, they all have two things in common: a great interest in natural sciences and a curiosity for other cultures and people.

During their week in Stockholm, the participants experience an intense week comprised of scientific activities and cultural exchange as well as unique occasions to meet the Nobel Laureates. In addition, the participants inspire youth in Sweden by presenting their scientific projects in a Seminar, see “…” for more information.

SIYSS is widely considered as one of the most prestigious youth science events in the world. Former participants often witness to how the program has inspired them to continue doing research and that the week in Stockholm was a truly unique experience.


Following are quotes from previous year’s contestants:

SIYSS 2008

“We express our sincere gratitude to The Science and Technology Foundation of Japan for providing us with the opportunity to participate in the 2008 SIYSS. This valuable experience offered an inspiration going beyond the Nobel Prize, which we hope to exploit for our future as prospective researchers, making this honorable occasion not just a once in a lifetime event.” (www.japanprize.jp/en/siyss.html)


SIYSS 2011

“My trip to Stockholm was an incredible, irreplaceable experience that truly revealed that science, at its core, is an international effort characterized by friendship and collaboration.”



If you are a participant, parent, sending or interested organization, please contact our International Coordinator, siyss.international@ungaforskare.se, for questions.