Can we select a participant under the age of 18?

– No. All participants must for legal reasons be over 18 by the 3rd of December.


Our participant will be chosen after the deadline for registration. Is that a problem?

– Make sure that the International Coordinator is aware of when your participant will be chosen. A small delay that we are aware of is not a problem. Please note however that the fee still needs to be paid by the set deadline.


Can we select a participant who does not speak English?

– No. Unfortunately a good command of English is vital for participation in SIYSS.


When will we receive an invoice for the participant fee?

– The invoice will be sent out around one month before the deadline for payment. Please make sure that the International Coordinator has updated payment details for your Organization in good time before then.


Can we pay by credit card?

– Unfortunately the participant fee must be wired directly to our account. Details are in the invoice.


We will have trouble paying in time. Can we pay later?

– If you will have trouble reaching the deadline, please contact the International Coordinator as soon as possible. Note that you will be charged extra if there is a delay.


When should the participants arrive in and depart from Stockholm?

– All participants attending SIYSS 2014 should arrive by around 5 pm local time at the latest on the 4th of December and leave around lunchtime at the earliest on the 11th.


Will the participants be picked up from the airport?

– Yes.


Can we send a representative of our Organizations with them to Stockholm?

– No. Almost all of our events during the week are exclusively for participants.


Can family/relatives/other close ones or teachers accompany the participants to Stockholm?

– Yes, but they will have to do so on their own planning and expense.