SIYSS presentations 2023: session 1

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The presenters

Isabel Esain Garcia

Isabel Esain Garcia

University of Cambridge

Using genome editing technologies, I re-engineer the structure of DNA in the human genome to control cancer

Maksymilian Gozdur

Maksymilian Gozdur

The European Union Contest for Young Scientists

Finding new model of examining effectiveness of legal regulations that can enhance legislation in STEM connected fields, on the example of Polish and French criminallaw regulations.

Brandon de Greef

Brandon de Greef

University of Pretoria

Determining the dielectric strength of powderized metal oxides and metal hydroxides, to decide if there is a use for them in high voltage applications.

Dániel Viczián

Dániel Viczián

Hungarian Association for Innovation

My project focused on the development of nanocomposites with the ability to mimic antioxidant enzymes.

Luca Seth Charlier

Luca Seth Charlier

Schweizer Jugend forscht

My project studies the asymptotic density, the ”proportion” within natural numbers, of several sets and often uses
them to study sums of prime numbers.

Partners and sponsors

Stiftelsen Oscar och Maria Ekmans Donationsfond

Prins Carl Gustafs Stiftelse