SIYSS presentations 2023: Session 2
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The presenters
Mariana Reis
Luleå University of Technology
I experimentally investigate the thermal and mechanical behaviour of cometary nucleus surfaces in the Planetary Ices
Laboratory of Luleå University of Technology.
Daniel Levin
Regeneron ISEF, Society for Science and the Public
I developed bandages that act like chemical reactors to rapidly resolve antibiotic-resistant infections.
Jan Adrian Kamm
Schweizer Jugend forscht
My research explores the onset of swirl in elliptical liquid jets.
Leemen Chan
World Scientific Publishing Company
My research investigates the effect of different chemical modifications on the selectivity of eco-friendly filtration
Alexander Plekhanov
Regeneron ISEF, Society for Science & the Public
I developed a novel optical device and approach that emphasizes subjective patient perception and intuitive action, thus allowing a patient to determine the parameters of corrective glasses themselves.